精灵队新闻Elves News

【赛果播报】2015/01/25 Melody精灵队 vs SCIS高中女篮 34:20取胜

来源: 发布日期:2015.01.30


本场比赛的对手scis高中女篮的队员充分利用了身体优势,在比赛开始阶段利用melody队员的不适应一度取得比分上的领先,并保持到半场结束。 下半场精灵队的队员利用自身经验和个人的得分能力将比赛逐步带入我们的节奏,最终以34:20取胜。比赛打得很开心,期待下次二番战。

SCIS Pudong Varsity Girls led in the first half with home court advantage and continued to lead until the end of the second quarter.

In the second half, the Elves' experience turned the game around and the game ended with the scores 34:20. Victory for the Elves.

We look forward to having another game with the SCIS Pudong Varsity Girls Team later this year! It was great fun. :)