月亮队新闻Moonie News

【最新战报】MELODY月亮队 vs 财经大学女篮校队 36:38惜败

来源: 发布日期:2015.05.14

这是一次热血激烈的对抗!虽然最后月亮队以两分之差惜败,但是埋藏在黄色香蕉人心底要继续团结拼搏的火苗已熊熊燃烧,一起期待下一次的小宇宙爆发吧!Biu!#Basketball is our best friend#

MELODY Moonie vs SUFE Women's Basketball Team: This past Saturday MELODY Moonie had a home game against the SUFE Women's Basketball Team. It was an intense game between the two teams! Although Moonie lost by two points, us Moonie will continue to train hard as a team preparing for the next challenge! #Basketball is our best friend#